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Master the BANG Muay Thai Core System 4 Vol with this DVD Series


UFC fights are scored based on a ten-point must system. Three judges score each round separately, giving 10 points to the winner of the round and 9 or less (8 or very rarely 7) based on how dominant one fighter was in a particular round. The round can also go 10-10, but it is very uncommon.

Bang Muay Thai Core System 4 Vol

good article and probably relevant to mcdojos but you shouldnt lump all karate in together. kyokushin karate is very effective and uses full contact continuous bare knuckle kumite unlike the point sparring you described. the quality of fighters in shinkyokushin is as good as anything in muay thai and kickboxing.

well thats nice. blame an entire1000+ year old system instead of a badly run club who has strayed too far from the honour and discipline of karate. Tae kwon do is nice, but karate is about perfection, not going around fighting people. maybe something like muay thai would be better suited to someone whom appears to be unsatisfied with just knowing you can better someone, rather than demonstrating it to everyone you meet.

After reading you article i partially agree with you and completely understand what you are saying. My best friend is a krav instructor and tests for black belt soon and when i asked him about me taking shotokan (iskf) he said learning any style period is better than not doing anything at all. I had choices between TKD, muay thai, BJJ, boxing, and of course shotokan. I picked shotokan and I do not regret it at all. I boxed and did BJJ for 3-4 months each and I am happy wit my decision. Every style out there has a good and a bad. BJJ you gotta be on the ground, TKD rarely uses hands, boxing no feet, muay thai well everyone doesnt have super strong caveman bones to block and attack with, shotokan teaches no ground and the tag sparring like you mentioned and the list goes on. I have a real good sensei and sempias so i like going to the dojo. I am 26 and I have a 4 year old so i know what you mean about the responsibilities. The advice I will take from you is I will teach my daughter on my own time and I will learn from the dojo. Your article was very entertaining and the comments were even better!!

Muay Thai Scholar is a Youtube Channel dedicated to all that is Muay Thai related. Aaron Jahn, the man behind the excellent content, is not only a great Muay Thai athlete and coach in his own right but also, as can be garnered from visiting his website at or watching any of his videos, about as big a super fan of the art as it is possible to get. Through what must be hours and hours of research on his part, he constantly puts out awesome highlights of the best fighters from around the world, articles/blogs on the best destinations to train at, training/nutritional advice and much, much more. Already with many fans due to the quality of his work, I am sure this is one Youtuber you are to be seeing much more of going forward!

In order to investigate the stability of a nuclear reactor core with an oxide mixture of uranium and plutonium (MOX) fuel installed, channel stability and regional stability tests were conducted with the SIRIUS-F facility. The SIRIUS-F facility was designed and constructed to provide a highly accurate simulation of thermal-hydraulic (channel) instabilities and coupled thermalhydraulics-neutronics instabilities of the Advanced Boiling Water Reactors (ABWRs). A real-time simulation was performed by modal point kinetics of reactor neutronics and fuel-rod thermal conduction on the basis of a measured void fraction in a reactor core section of the facility. A time series analysis was performed to calculate decay ratio and resonance frequency from a dominant pole of a transfer function by applying auto regressive (AR) methods to the time-series of the core inlet flow rate. Experiments were conducted with the SIRIUS-F facility, which simulates ABWR with MOX fuel installed. The variations in the decay ratio and resonance frequency among the five common AR methods are within 0.03 and 0.01 Hz, respectively. In this system, the appropriate decay ratio and resonance frequency can be estimated on the basis of the Yule-Walker method with the model order of 30.

Increasing the economic competitiveness of nuclear energy is vital to its future. Improving the economics of BWRs is the main goal of this work, focusing on designing cores with higher power density, to reduce the BWR capital cost. Generally, the core power density in BWRs is limited by the thermal Critical Power of its assemblies, below which heat removal can be accomplished with low fuel and cladding temperatures. The present study investigates both increases in the heat transfer area between he fuel and coolant and changes in operating parameters to achieve higher power levels while meeting the appropriate thermal as well as materials and neutronic constraints. A scoping study is conducted under the constraints of using fuel with cylindrical geometry, traditional materials and enrichments below 5% to enhance its licensability. The reactor vessel diameter is limited to the largest proposed thus far. The BWR with High power Density (BWR-HD) is found to have a power level of 5000 MWth, equivalent to 26% uprated ABWR, resulting into 20% cheaper O&M and Capital costs. This is achieved by utilizing the same number of assemblies, but with wider 16x16 assemblies and 50% shorter active fuel than that of the ABWR. The fuel rod diameter and pitch are reduced to just over 45% of the ABWR values. Traditional cruciform form control rods are used, which restricts the assembly span to less than 1.2 times the current GE14 design due to limitation on shutdown margin. Thus, it is possible to increase the power density and specific power by 65%, while maintaining the nominal ABWR Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) margin. The plant systems outside the vessel are assumed to be the same as the ABWR-Il design, utilizing a combination of active and passive safety systems. Safety analyses applied a void reactivity coefficient calculated by SIMULA TE-3 for an equilibrium cycle core that showed a 15% less negative coefficient for the BWR-HD compared to the ABWR. The feedwater

Highly efficient, compact nuclear reactors would provide high specific impulse spacecraft propulsion. This analysis and numerical simulation effort has focused on the technical feasibility issues related to the nuclear design characteristics of a novel reactor design. The Fissioning Plasma Core Reactor (FPCR) is a shockwave-driven gaseous-core nuclear reactor, which uses Magneto Hydrodynamic effects to generate electric power to be used for propulsion. The nuclear design of the system depends on two major calculations: core physics calculations and kinetics calculations. Presently, core physics calculations have concentrated on the use of the MCNP4C code. However, initial results from other codes such as COMBINE/VENTURE and SCALE4a. are also shown. Several significant modifications were made to the ISR-developed QCALC1 kinetics analysis code. These modifications include testing the state of the core materials, an improvement to the calculation of the material properties of the core, the addition of an adiabatic core temperature model and improvement of the first order reactivity correction model. The accuracy of these modifications has been verified, and the accuracy of the point-core kinetics model used by the QCALC1 code has also been validated. Previously calculated kinetics results for the FPCR were described in the ISR report, "QCALC1: A code for FPCR Kinetics Model Feasibility Analysis" dated June 1, 2002.

In this paper, we calculate the elastic modulus of 3D digital cores using the finite element method, systematically study the equivalence between the digital core model and various rock physics models, and carefully analyze the conditions of the equivalence relationships. The influences of the pore aspect ratio and consolidation coefficient on the equivalence relationships are also further refined. Theoretical analysis indicates that the finite element simulation based on the digital core is equivalent to the boundary theory and Gassmann model. For pure sandstones, effective medium theory models (SCA and DEM) and the digital core models are equivalent in cases when the pore aspect ratio is within a certain range, and dry frame models (Nur and Pride model) and the digital core model are equivalent in cases when the consolidation coefficient is a specific value. According to the equivalence relationships, the comparison of the elastic modulus results of the effective medium theory and digital rock physics is an effective approach for predicting the pore aspect ratio. Furthermore, the traditional digital core models with two components (pores and matrix) are extended to multiple minerals to more precisely characterize the features and mineral compositions of rocks in underground reservoirs. This paper studies the effects of shale content on the elastic modulus in shaly sandstones. When structural shale is present in the sandstone, the elastic modulus of the digital cores are in a reasonable agreement with the DEM model. However, when dispersed shale is present in the sandstone, the Hill model cannot describe the changes in the stiffness of the pore space precisely. Digital rock physics describes the rock features such as pore aspect ratio, consolidation coefficient and rock stiffness. Therefore, digital core technology can, to some extent, replace the theoretical rock physics models because the results are more accurate than those of the theoretical models.

drilling fluid was removed either by washing with dilute calcium chloride brine (to approximately match the salinity of the formation fluids) or by gently scraping away drilling mud on the core surface. Once cleaned, each core section was photographed to very high resolution on a Geotek Multi- Sensor Core Logging (MSCL) system. This system was also used to determine the bulk density and magnetic susceptibility of each section. The 25 MB high-resolution photographs and the raw and processed physical properties data were then uploaded to the ICDP web server in Potsdam for public access ( - The cores will be archived at the Gulf Coast Repository of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program in College Station, TX. The MSCL photographs, physical property measurements, and other related data, such as geophysical logs, will be integrated using CoreWall, and will be on display at the meeting. All samples, data, and imagery are available to the science community. 2ff7e9595c

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